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Aching Feet

The past two days Peter and I have visited the house.  On Saturday I went mad pulling the giant weeks out of the garden and discovering even more plants.  The garden is huge and even though I pulled enough weeds to fill a couple of wheelbarrows it is hard to see where they came from.

When we arrived on Saturday a small ornamental fig tree had half fallen over due to the rain and we propped it back up with a brick.  We also had a pool of water in the centre carport and we need to fix the flow of water through the property.

In the garden I met a fluorescent yellow caterpillar, many, many earthworms and too many sensitive plants.  I don’t mean plants that are a little too emotional, I am referring to mimosa purdica, a plant that when you touch it it closes all its leaves.  I use to have one as a kid, but they are considered weeds here and their stems are covered in thorns.

Peter spent his time Saturday doing the cleaning inside the house and by the time we finished we were both exhausted.

Today’s visit was far less productive as I was suffering from gardener’s leg, with the back of my legs aching and stiff from being far too enthusiastic with my bending over on Saturday.  Today we spent time measuring, lying on the floor and staring at the 4.61m high ceilings and looking at various paint samples.

We only have 5 weeks to do everything we want to do.

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