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Sometimes we just have too much wildlife at the new house.  Yes it is lovely to watch the multitudes of butterflies that are attracted to our house and of course all the lovely, if quite brazen birds, but there are things that are not nice such as …

  1. Bats in the ceiling and occasionally the dead bats on the floor.
  2. Frogs that make it inside but then can’t find their way out.
  3. A bird that ran into the house and did not survive.
  4. Cane borer weevils that are eating our palms.
  5. The large paper wasp nest overhanging the public footpath.
  6. White ants currently living and eating under our house

The pest man is due next Thursday, which can not come soon enough.


  1. Judy says:

    Hello again, bloody daed phone won’t stop me. I am going down to Kirsty’s over Easter to do alterations on her clothes,she needs to downsize her winter ones.Aunt Elaine was pleased with my efforts on her clothes so now I can practice on your sister.

    Love you, Mum

  2. Kirsty says:

    Note to Mother

    It is now June and 15kg less. Pants will no longer fit

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